You’ll see a section in the guide from yours truly, 5 Easy Cash-flow Strategies To Keep You In The Black Without Stressing Over Spreadsheets, along with a Money Mindset Worksheet and articles that include:
How Much Should I Charge?
How to Save for Retirement as a Solopreneur
How to Afford Nice Things for Your Business
… and more
I’m one of the featured money management pros in this new Money Mindset guide. You can get your free copy here.
How’s Your Money Mindset?
I love what the folks at Honeybook and Rising Tide are doing to help business owners cultivate an abundance mindset, get clarity (and get money in the bank!) and take steps on saving for retirement.
Download your copy of this great guide today, and please email me or tweet me to let me know how you like it!
Money scares many people. But it doesn’t scare me. I don’t want you to have to worry about your “crazy” finances anymore! If you are nervous or confused about money, I will help you become confident, comfortable and knowledgeable around money.
I wasn’t born a bookkeeper. I learned it slowly. In fact, I graduated with a Liberal Arts degree, so it wasn’t until my 20s that I started becoming educated about money. After all, it’s just another language, and with a little guidance, you’ll be fluent, too.
So if you’re overwhelmed or even embarrassed by where you’re at—fear not! I want your business to be successful, and I will do everything in my power to make it so using my experience as a bookkeeper, business coach, and fellow small-business owner.
Want to do your best for your business, your bottom line, and your mental-peace? Let’s talk.