Path to Permanent Profits Presentation

82% of small businesses that fail say it’s because of cash flow problems. Ouch.

  • Can you relate to skipping paychecks because you paid your expenses and there’s nothing left?
  • Do you worry about where the money to cover expenses–or taxes– is going to come from?
  • Are you doing “all the things” because you cannot afford to outsource?
  • Do you feel like your business decisions are being dictated by financial concerns, rather than YOU being in control?
  • Have you experienced more months *in the red* than you care to admit?

You’re not alone. Many business owners let circumstances dictate how they deal with money. 

What if, with just a little bit better planning and structure (no complicated spreadsheets or stressful budgets), you could increase your profitability and create a sustainable AND successful business that pays YOU first?

Ditch the fear of finances!

Next Presentation is coming soon! Join the waitlist!

Ditch your fear of finances.

As the boss, you know your time is better spent on creating revenue than on bookkeeping — but knowing where you stand financially and how to master your books are crucial to your business’s survival.

Get paid.

Are you paying yourself enough — or at all?

Get help.

Can you afford to hire help?

Get profitable.

Do you actually make a profit?


During this one-hour presentation, we’ll break down the baffling questions that plague creative entrepreneurs about their books.


❓ Do I need a budget and if so, what’s the right way to do it?

❓ How do I make sure my business is profitable?

❓ How many accounts do I need to have?

❓ How should I keep track of expenses?

❓ How can I keep bookkeeping and cash management simple?

❓ How do I prepare my business for tax season?

❓ What unforeseen circumstances might make a mess of my business finances?

I’ll also show you the simple system that will change your business forever:

⭐️ No more guessing games when it comes to your cash flow or bookkeeping.

⭐️ Less stress about your bottom line.

⭐️ Equipped to make confident financial decisions.

⭐️ And best of all… consistent and sustainable PROFIT.

No more confusion. No more spreadsheets.
No more stress about bookkeeping.


Meet your host

Hi, I’m Ean Price Murphy.

Money scares many people, but it doesn’t scare me. I don’t want you to have to worry about your “crazy” finances anymore! If you’re nervous or confused about money, I will help you become confident, comfortable and knowledgeable around money.

I wasn’t born a bookkeeper. I learned it slowly. In fact, I graduated with a Liberal Arts degree, so it wasn’t until my 20s that I started becoming educated about money. After all, it’s just another language, and with a little guidance, you’ll be fluent, too.

So if you’re overwhelmed or even embarrassed by where you’re at—fear not! I want your business to be successful, and I will do everything in my power to make it so using my experience as a bookkeeper, business coach, and fellow small-business owner.

Want to do your best for your business, your bottom line, and your peace of mind? Sign up for the Masterclass today!

Ean Price Murphy

Let’s get started.

Register today to learn how to tell if your business is profitable, increase your profitability and create a sustainable business that pays YOU first.

Ditch the fear of finances and join us for our next presentation!

Join the waitlist! The next presentation is coming soon!